Thursday 26 January 2017


Branding is a process that allows an individual or a group of individuals the ability to provide a brand image and lettering to an idea. Upon doing so, one has a better chance of selling such items to a broader audience whether that be on a local or global level.

Step 1 : Determine your brand’s target audience.
The foundation for building your brand, is to determine the targeted audience that you’ll be focusing on.
You can’t be everything to everyone, right?

Step 2 : Define a branding mission statement.
Before you can build a brand that your target audience trusts, you need to know what value your business provides.
The mission statement basically defines a purpose for existing. It will inform every other aspect of your brand building.
Everything from your logo to your tagline, voice, message and personality should reflect that mission.
We all know the Nike tagline: Just Do It. But do you know their mission statement?

Step 3 : Research brands within your industry niche.
You should never imitate exactly what the big brands are doing in your industry. But, you should be aware of what they do well (or where they fail).
The goal is to differentiate from the competition. Convince a customer to purchase from you over them!

Step 4 : Outline the key qualities & benefits your brand offers.
There will always be brands with bigger budgets and more resources to command their industry.
Your products, services, and benefits belong solely to you.You have to delve down deep and figure out what you offer, that no one else is offering.

Step 5 : Create a great brand logo & tagline.
The most basic (and arguably the most important piece) of brand building, is the creation of your company logo and tagline.
Hire a professional designer or creative agency with branding and identity design experience, to help you build your brand.

Step 6 : Form your brand’s business voice.
Your voice is dependent on your company mission, audience, and industry.
It’s how you communicate with your customers, and how they respond to you.

Step 7 : Build a brand message and elevator pitch.
When brand building, tell customers succinctly who you are.
Use the business voice you have chosen.
Your message should be intricately associated with your brand, and conveyed in 1-2 sentences.
It goes beyond your logo and tagline to define the key aspects of who you are, what you offer, and why people should care.

Step 8 : Let your brand personality shine.
Customers aren’t looking for another cookie-cutter company who offers the same thing as everyone else.
They are looking for an experience tailored to their needs, backed by genuine personal interaction.

Step 9 : Integrate your brand into every aspect of your business.
Brand building never stops.
Your brand should be visible and reflected in everything that your customer sees (and doesn’t see).

Step 10 : Stay true to your brand.
Unless you decide to change your brand into something that is more effective based on measured consumer response, consistency is key.

Step 11 : Be your brand’s biggest advocate.
Once you have built a brand that works for your small business, you (and your employees) are the best advocates to market your brand.
Give your loyal customers a voice. Encourage them to post reviews, or share your content.

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